Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Page 1, Part 3 (Dan)

I've done a lot of work on this page, and here's the explanation: I could have just added a background, but it seemed to me that there would be something lacking.

Besides, it seemed to me like the woman with the two dogs was looking beyond the other woman, and not straight at her. Why, I wondered, was that? What was it that she was looking at? Once I settled on the third dog, I couldn't just place it on the page - floating out there - unless I created a setting for it. I wouldn't know where to put it.

There was also the thought that since I started the first page, I should probably finish it, otherwise it would be Raena that would do so. We both sort of felt that Raena should start the second page of the Moleskine by right. (It's only just and proper that she should feel the excitement and anxiety of the blank page, don't you think?)

So to tried to keep the bar high and to live up to the great drawing I received back from Raena. I worked very hard to do the picture well. It became far more involved than I ever intended, really. At every step there was a challenge. At every step, nervousness and hesitation. All in all, a great experience.

If you would like to know more - much more - about how I did this picture, you can visit my blog.

I realize that ultimately I pretty much dominated this page. But I figure that some pages will be more Raena, and some more mine, and some pretty evenly half & half, and that'll be the way that it goes. Raena and I exchanged a few e-mails, and I believe that she understands this and agrees.

So off to Texas, and on to page 2! I hereby declare this page done!


  1. It has come out very well... The light, background, those ladies chatting... The third dog busy in his own world.. It has really come out very well...

  2. I liked hearing on your regualar blog how you added the background and the third dog, this will be an interesting process for both of you.
    The end result was worth it I think?

  3. I think you did the job beautifully. It's possible one of the very best finalization I'd say, and I couldn't agree more with your decision. Beautiful background, great perspective, awesome details, and a lot of life!

  4. Truly awesome. I have to wonder what the third dog found inside that bag. . .

  5. Love it, you two did great work on it, and it turned out so good. love how the whole picture came together in the end, and the dog sniffing the bag is funny... Makes you wonder and want to know what he is really putting his nose too.

    Cant wait to see the next page and what you two will cook up this time.

  6. Perfect! The house, the dog with his nose in a bag, really ties all the elements together to tell an interesting story in a delightful way. But my favorite part is the two dogs looking at the viewer (me) which brings something from outside the picture plane, the viewer, right into the scene.

  7. What a great idea this blog is! I like the results too!

  8. Thank you all so much for your wonderful comments. What a challenge this was! Can't wait for the next.

  9. WOW... your wife gave you some spot on advise... this is perfect... love the summer green grass and the addition of the flexi-leash. Well done.

  10. What a cool idea this is. I just stumbled on this blog, I'll be checking it with interest.
