Saturday, September 18, 2010

Page 2, Part 2

Yeah, yeah, I know, I know, I've taken an enormous amount of time to return this one. Raena has forgiven me though. This is my addition - a big band. I toyed with the idea of a flamenco guitarist, and then of having her stand in front of a mirror (but why would she do that - she'd be facing away!). Then I had the idea of the big band as being the most interesting possibility for the space. My Most Valuable Critic (MVP) felt it didn't match, given her costume, but I figure the big band can play a piece that would make a singer or dancer dress up that way, right? I enjoyed trying to make each musician unique - in different positions, with varied looks.

I did this a little differently. Generally I ink first, but I first had the idea that I wouldn't ink at all. So I drew in pencil, and then used watercolor in a way that it could stand on its own. It was okay, but my MVP felt it needed ink, and she was right (she usually is - don't tell her). It is much better that way.

Raena was worried about the arm (see the last post). I think the problem was, believe it or not, the armpit! So I moved it in. The original line is now the side of the conductor. Did you notice, by the way, the beautiful molding of the arm with the colors Raena used? It is beautiful to behold - so well done. I also made two other minor changes - I added hair to the back of the head, and whitened the teeth just a touch.

It was interesting to paint on the multi-colored background - thank you Raena for challenging me! I believe that it gives the whole page a festive feel.

I don't think the page is done yet, though - so Raena, it's up to you!